Friday, February 10, 2006

Another Bad Septic! Plus High Radon!

The inspection on our "new" house turned up a failing septic system and high radon levels in the air and the water. The septic system had a lot of water and sewage in the leach field. The radon level in the basement air was 6.5 pCi/L and the water radon was 15,000 pCi/L. An Air radon level of 4.0 pCi/L is the EPA recommended level above which action should be taken. There is no agreed upon level for radon in the water, but a level of 4,000 pCi/L has been proposed in NH. Maine uses 20,000 and Massachusetts 10,000 pCi/L. Most literature indicates the largest health risk from water radon is when it outgasses from the water, such as when showering.

After quite a bit of investigation, I've decided the radon treatments for air and the water are warranted. Obviously, a new septic system is warranted as well. Here's what I've found for estimates for the various systems. These estimates are just ballpark estimates based on the information I could give over the phone. A site assessment is necessary to get a good estimate.

$6500 - $8000 for a septic system design and installation
$900 - $1200 for air radon mitigation system
~$3500 for water radon mitigation


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