Saturday, September 24, 2005

Crappy Day

I feel like absolute crap. I only got about 3.5 hours of sleep last night. I normally get 8 or even 9 hours. Last night was my brother's bachelor party. Being the best man, I was in charge of planning it. My brother can be difficult to deal with because, for some reason, he doesn't like to give his opinion on what he'd like to do. About the only thing I could get out of him about what he'd like for his party was a list of people and the fact he'd like to drink a fair number of microbrews. When I asked him his opinion on some specifice things I had in mind, his response was generally "whatever you decide" - not much help there.

I'm definitely not the best choice to plan such an evening, as I have never gone to a bar just to hang out. It's just not something I find enjoyable. I don't drink and I don't like cigarette smoke and loud music. But away, I planned to go to a couple bars in Manchester. The first was a microbrewery, but not very nice. The next place wasn't a brewery, but did have 40+ local microbrews on tap. It was nicer. I was actually having a half way decent time, once it seemed liked everyone else liked the place, and I started to talk to Joe about climbing. Then it was getting late and it became quite apparent that most people, my brother and Steve in particular, had had too much to drink. I had to support my brother as he walked back to the car because he was all over the place. Then he puked all over my car just before we got home. Even after that I wasn't that upset. It was his bachelor party and he seemed to have had a good time.

That was yesterday though. Today, is the day I meant by calling this post crappy day. I just feel like crap. I think the lack of sleep has a lot to do with it. I spent three hours cleaning my car this morning (after about an hour of cleaning last night). Then I ate too much lasagna for lunch, got my hair cut, and came back to Manchester. I decided to go for a run and see if that made me feel any better, but it didn't. I still feel like a fat, ugly, lazy pig. Plus I have tons of homework to do - obviously I don't feel like doing it.


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